We Can Boost SEO! Look, We're Doing it Right Now!

At Hello SciCom, we don’t just do comedy writing, we’ve been using search engine optimization to find our audience even in the farthest reaches of the internet. Like right now! We’re glad you found us thanks to our killer SEO game. Here are some of our tips for boosting SEO traffic to your site or business.

  1. Content, Content, Content

    It’s all about that content, baby! Take a lesson from YouTubers, TikTokers, and BuzzFeed listicle writers –– quantity matters.  You need to produce consistent, high-quality content to inform and entertain the masses.

    Take us for instance: We’re writing this amazing, helpful, brilliant article because we knew that we needed more of that hot, sexy content to drive traffic to our site.  And look: It worked! You’re here! Thank you, by the way, internet stranger and/or my mom. Whether you’re here to check out our  science articles, blogs, presentations, videos, images, infographics, or to tell me why I should’ve gone to law school, thank you for visiting!

  2. Make Your Site Relevant

    But wait! The kind of content you make matters too! You wouldn’t want to search for “cute golden retriever videos” and end up on a site about “taxidermy”. That would just make you very sad. So what you put on your website should also be relevant to a user’s search terms, so when they get to your site, they’ll say, “Wow, this is SO relevant to me! I gotta know more!” You’re thinking this right now, right? We knew it. Here’s a cute golden retriever video as a reward.

  3. Repurpose Content

    Got a great scientific article that people really seem to love? Don’t be afraid to create a video, a slideshow, an infographic, a PowerPoint presentation, and a podcast around it. Trust us, there are no new ideas! We’ll prove it to you: Potato slippers. We just made that up, but it’s actually a real thing and here they are:

    Sweet potato slippers

    So, don’t be afraid to recycle your content. Recycling is good for the earth (and your SEO practices).

  4. Make Everything Easy To Digest

    Doyouhavebigblocksoftextthatarereallytiny? Time to do some editing, champ.

    Is your year-round Christmas decoration company website all in green with a red background? First, we need to talk about your business strategy. But second- Why would you ever do this to a website? Don’t torture your visitors.

    Do you use monumental, pretentious language that needs copious amounts of temporal space in order to comprehend? Just use plain English.

    Make your site easy to navigate. Your website visitors don’t have time to hunt down the “Contact Us” button you decided to write in Latin and hide underneath your site’s copyright information.

  5. Use Multiple Keywords

    Using Google Ads to boost your SEO and site traffic? Us too! For instance, we’ve already used the phrases “SEO tips,” “science articles and blogs,” “scientific presentations,” “PowerPoint presentations,” “infographics,” and “comedy writing” in this post so far. Using good, relevant keywords in your Google Ads will get you very far.

  6. Add More Than Just Text To Your Site

    We love content writing (look: Another keyword!), but we also know when to include rich content that Google loves. This can be images, videos, or anything that makes your point without having to say a word.

  7. Get Meta With It

    We’re not talking about “meta humor” like this brilliant article. That’s OUR job. We mean using meta descriptions on images, like image file names and descriptions on the back end of your website, that are relevant and include good search terms. For instance, don’t name your cool image of a far off galaxy “burninghotgases.jpg.” That won’t yield anything good. Try something simple and descriptive like “VegaStarLyraConstellation.jpg” with a backend description, “Vega is the largest star in the constellation of Lyra.”

  8. Use Backlinking And Internal Linking

    So, a user just searched your amazing keyword and found your site. Heck yeah! But then they left your site after 30 seconds. Oh no! That tells Google that users don’t like your site! It’s like wanting to go to a theme park and then realizing it’s just a Banksy art installation of piles of old mattresses and plywood. You were expecting one thing and ended up with the opposite of what you wanted. To fix this problem, your blog should have a couple backlinks to other relevant, high quality websites, as well as links to other articles on your site. Like this one about science communication.

  9. Go Mobile

    Just like grandpa always says, “Why are you kids always bleeping and blooping on your phones?” Well, we’re always doing that is because over 90% of the global internet population (that’s a backlink, by the way) use mobile devices to go online, so it’s important to make it easy for them (see tip #4).

  10. Learn From Data

    Hey, if you’re a cool STEM professional, data is your life. And the nice thing about SEO, Google Analytics, and Google Ads is that you’re getting constant data and feedback. As you’re trying out new things to test out your SEO best practices and see what works best for you.

So, in summary, here’s some mobile-friendly visual content with backlinking and relevant multiple keywords in its meta description:

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