Tips To Be LESS BORING in Video Conferences!

September 8, 2020
Sarah Rose Siskind
  1. Make an entrance
  2. Add an element of timeliness.
  3. Make sure your lighting, spacing, and sound are okay
  4. Watch people's faces to make sure they are paying attention
  5. Hamburger Method: Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them
  6. Bribe your Audience: Promise to show them a cat video at the end of the call
  7. Be interactive: Call on specific people to avoid confusion
  8. Use images
  9. Use videos
  10. Use your hands
  11. Use Comic Sans--- just kidding. But lying does keep your audience on their toes.
  12. Take a live poll
  13. Have a celebrity make a cameo
  14. Use live demonstrations
  15. Use special skills you may have
  16. Keep your promises